School health service

School health service is free for school students. There are school physicians and school nurses. They have all professional secrecy.

School health service works preventive with health checks and simple health care efforts.

All students are offered at least three health checks in elementary school.

The nurse is at school some days a week.

In case of illness turn to their local health center or clinics, Hälsocentral.

Scheduled activities in elementary school:

Preschool class: A form is sent home. Health visit with student together with guardian. Control of sight, hearing, length and weight.

Year 2: Health visit with examination of length and weight. Vaccination against measles, mumps and German measles (Rubella). Guardian consent is required for all vaccinations.

Year 4: Health visits where you talk about diet, exercise, sleep and well-being. Examination of length, weight and back.

Year 5: Girls are offered vaccination against HPV (human papillom virus).

Year 6: Health visits with control of length, weight and back.

Year 8: Health visits where you talk about diet, exercise, sleep and well-being. Examination of length, weight and back. Vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough (Pertussis).


Newly arrived students are offered health visits and possible vaccinations.

Health visit: Length, weight, sight and hearing and back control starting from year 4.

Vaccinations: School Health service receives records from asylum and migrant health. The school physicians will do a schedule for vaccination after blood test results and the student's home country vaccination program. Then, the custodians may approve vaccination.

Information on child health care.

You buy medicines at a pharmacy. For some medicines you need a prescription from a doctor. The staff at pharmacies know a lot about illnesses and medicines. They can answer many of your questions. Pharmacies also have brochures and information about various illnesses.

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