Home based care

Home based care is available for those who need help in their home.

Services that are offered as part of home based care are, among other things, cleaning, shopping and doing laundry.

There can be help also for things like bathing, dressing and taking medicine.

Home based care costs vary depending on how much time help has to be available.

A case officer from the kommun will assess and decide what type of help you need as well calculate time and costs.

Here is a form for Home based care. External link, opens in new window.

There are forms which can be filled in to apply for home based care.

There is also equipment to assist those who have motion challenges. This equipment includes specially designed shower chairs, moving sticks and wheelchairs or seat cushions.

If you have any questions please contact:
”Omvårdnad Direkt”
Monday-Friday 8:00-16:30
Telephone: 0270-756 56

Medicin köper du på apotek. Till en del mediciner behövs ett recept från din läkare. De som arbetar på apoteket vet mycket om olika sjukdomar och mediciner. De kan svara på många av dina frågor. På apoteket finns också information och broschyrer om olika sjukdomar.

Söderhamns kommun, 826 80 Söderhamn



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